Cwiklik & Associates provides scientific consulting and laboratory analysis involving small particles, chemical problems, and overall experimental design. Our principal services are forensic consulting and examinations, trace evidence analysis and analysis of damage and deposits, but extend to environmental and industrial applications such as identification of soot, dust and contaminants. If there is something which we don't do, we arrange for the work to be done by associates. We will put a team together, implement a plan of analysis and handle the transfer of samples as needed.
We specialize in special problems and work on routine matters as well. Services include coordinating the work of other experts and evaluating scientific procedures, reports and testimony. Is the scientific information germane to the questions you need to answer? What are the practical implications? Was the right thing done, and was it done right? Are you asking questions in a way that a specialist will give you the information you need? We can assist our clients in sorting through technical jargon. We will also help clients prepare for scientific issues in trial or depositions.