- SMALL-PARTICLE ANALYSIS (TRACE EVIDENCE) including fibers, hairs, soil, paint, plastics, building materials, soil, dust, soot, and other materials.
EVALUATION OF DAMAGE, including thermal (heat), chemical and fire damage and mechanical damage such as tears, cuts, abrasions, and deformations to fabrics, plastics, and other materials not including metals.
GENERAL CRIMINALISTICS including bloodstain and other pattern interpretation, shoe prints, tire tracks, and questions of contact and transfer.
INCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION including clothing examination, crime scene and incident site examination and evaluation of site photographs and diagrams.
IDENTIFICATION OF DUST AND CONTAMINANTS including contaminants in industrial processes.
EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND INTERPRETATION including defining the questions to be addressed, developing an analytical approach, evaluating the quality of data, and assessing the significance of the information developed, whether ours or someone else’s
- TEAM APPROACH: We work with other scientists who provide analysis of flammable liquid residues in arson cases, elemental analysis including identification of metals, identification of mold and microorganisms, and work in other forensic science specialties. We also work with your team.
PRE-TRIAL ASSISTANCE: We review and evaluate the work of other experts including opposing experts, and work with clients in preparing for trial and depositions. We can provide clients with point-by-point summaries of the scientific issues and an evaluation of their strength.
QUALITY ASSURANCE including experimental or analytical design, evaluation of laboratory procedures, and report review.
SECOND OPINIONS involving re-examination of work performed in other laboratories and blind testing.
TRAINING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION: Two of our scientists are faculty members of the Pacific Coast Forensic Science Institute, incorporated in January 2000, and dedicated to teaching and research in the forensic sciences.